Thursday, February 28

Fun with White Stuff

For most of the snow days, we were holed up tight in our houses,
drinking with neighbors, not showering, and being pretty useless.
Then, the boredom set in and someone needed cigarettes.
We walked up to 39th Street, hit up World of Spirits
and it all went downhill from there.

These are some of the things we saw, from our windows and out and about.
What did you guys do during your snow days?

Photo Credits: Kristie Svedja » 1, 2, 11 // Tina Magee-Jenks/Backyard Ink » 3, 4, 6, 7, 9 // Linh Trieu » 5, 8, 10, 11


bcomp said...

Love this! Pretty much the same thing happened up in Waldo. Walking from the Gaf to Bier Station one snow day...a couple weeks later for that snow day we ventured down to Lew's and Bobby Bakers. It is amazing how much everything seems more laid back when there is a foot of snow on the ground. People seem happier to be alive!