Wednesday, August 17


Sebastian | Server
Years of Industry Service: 15
Sebastian, a first time father, re-evaluated his life and his career after having his little girl almost three years ago. He had been in the corporate restaurant world for most of that time. His first job was at Pizza Hut and then at TGIFridays, off an on for 10 years, where he was started as a server and ended as a general manager. "I like managing," Sebastian said. "But being a GM is different. There's more planning and being in the office. You're literally in there for 8 hours at a time.

But being in the office all day wasn't exactly his idea of a dream job. So back to school he went, graduating early, and surprise, he got back into the restaurant business. "It's kind of like the Goodfellas thing," he said. "You think you're out, but it pulls you back in." This time around, however, he's working for Top Chef Master Celina Tio at the independently-owned Julian, where Sebastian says, "This is so much fun. It kind of reignited that flame for me. When food is done right, when people are passionate about it, it's really neat to see." He's now studying for his first-level sommelier certification and learning more about the wine side of the business.

Sebastian's wife is a business analyst and works one day from home, but for the most part, Sebastian plays the caretaker role. Before his daughter was born, he played a lot of first-person shooter games like Fallout or Call of Duty. "I'd have a glass of Scotch and play for a couple hours* each night," he said. But now, he's more likely to be watching Spongebob and reading to to his daughter, who is really into books. "Your perspective changes when you have kids. She is an absolute blast."
*With a husband who used to also drink Scotch and play Halo,
I bet it was for more than a couple of hours. :)

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andbrent said...

Mr. Sebastian rules. Friendly, knowledgeable server, just the right balance.

Anonymous said...

Love Sebastian! He's very professional and always has a smile on his face like he really enjoys what he's doing.