Wednesday, June 8

nick g.

Nick G. | Chocolate Assistant
Years of Industry Service: 3
Even though Nick had only been working at Annedore's for three days, he easily said there's "no better job than making chocolate." In most cases, we would have said whoa, whoa, whoa chief, let's not jump to conclusions here. But being surrounded by chocolate at work doesn't sound like a bad thing at all, does it? Usually, Nick is in Wisconsin with his family for the summer, doling out scoops of yummy goodness at an ice cream shop. But this year, he decided to stay home, learn to make chocolate, play guitar and hang out with his friends. In the fall, Nick will be returning to the college of William & Mary as a junior where he is studying business.
Full disclosure: Annedore's offered us each a free chocolate. We hesitated for one second,
then chose a chocolate caramel and milk chocolate imperial truffle. So. Good.

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